We are a women Savings and Credit SACCO society Limited that was registered as per the Kenya Cooperatives Societies Act Cap.490, Section 6 (3) on 20th September 2022. . The Society is the brainchild of Mrs. Loise Methu who has a wealth of experience in matters of SACCOs in Kenya having served in the Cooperative movement for a span of 39 years..
Tempore corrupti temporibus fuga earum asperiores fugit.
Tempore corrupti temporibus fuga earum asperiores fugit.
Tempore corrupti temporibus fuga earum asperiores fugit.
Tempore corrupti temporibus fuga earum asperiores fugit.
Tempore corrupti temporibus fuga earum asperiores fugit.
Tempore corrupti temporibus fuga earum asperiores fugit.